What we do
Peer support
We facilitate a peer support network through which people can access 1-2-1 support regarding trans healthcare and managing the risks of self-medication. Members of the peer support network are not medical professionals but can provide information based on their hands-on experience. They may be able to either provide answers to inquiries directly or help identify additional sources of information. You can contact us by email and ask to talk to a peer support coordinator.
Healthcare fund
We operate a healthcare fund to cover costs associated with self-medicating, such as paying for GP visits, blood tests and injecting supplies. Whether we can fulfil any request depends on how much money we have in the fund at the time. To access the fund, email us basic information about what the money is for and how much you require.
Note: we do not cover costs associated with accessing HRT through private healthcare providers such as GenderGP.
Contact us to access the healthcare fund.
Safe injecting supplies
We supply free safe injecting supplies to anyone self-medicating in Ireland or Scotland. We provide supplies, including needles for drawing medication, intramuscular or subcutaneous injections, syringes, and alcohol cleaning swabs.
We provide this service in one of two ways. We either post two months’ worth of free supplies at a time or provide money from the healthcare fund to cover the cost of ordering supplies yourself (usually enough to cover costs of one hundred of each item).
Access safe injecting supplies.
HRT concentration and contamination testing
We have begun a program arranging private lab testing of commonly used sources of HRT to assess their concentration and purity. Due to the high cost (lab testing costs at least €300 for comprehensive tests), we cannot commit to organising or covering lab testing on request.
More information on HRT testing.